In the News
In The News 4.03.19

In The News 4.03.19

BBC News reported that menstrual health will be taught in schools by 2020. According to the article, pupils will now learn about the menstrual cycle starting from primary school, as well as relationships and sex, which will be LGBT inclusive, during secondary school. The article includes the opinions of endometriosis sufferer, Alice Smith who highlights that the new guidelines mean girls will know “from a much younger age what is normal” and what isn’t when it comes to their periods.

In conjunction with the launch of the period emoji – a red droplet – BBC News has published a story emphasising the need to end period shame and eradicate period poverty. According to the article, an online vote by Plan International UK on what a period-themed emoji should look like, the most popular choice was a pair of pants marked by blood which was rejected by the Unicode Consortium, so the charity teamed up with the NHS and pushed for a blood drop instead.

On Sunday, a Netflix documentary focusing on the importance of ending stigmas around menstruation received an Oscar for Best Documentary (short). The 26-minute film entitled Period. End of Sentence, documents a group of women who use a machine to make low-cost sanitary pads in a village in India in a bid to improve female hygiene, women’s empowerment and development. In response to winning, film director Rayka Zehtabchi said “I can’t believe a film about menstruation just won an Oscar!” Coverage appeared in The Independent as well as numerous American outlets such as The New Yorker, ABC and Vulture.

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