In the News
In the News 19.08.19

In the News 19.08.19

From night sweats to crawling into the bathroom and passing out – women have given honest descriptions of how ‘crippling’ their menstrual cramps can be in this weeks Mirror online.

Read the full article; Period pain horror stories.

In this weeks HuffPost we hear from a mother who wants to make sure daughters are educated at the right time. If you’ve got a daughter at primary school, it might feel like you’ve got a few years yet before you need to have ‘that’ conversation about periods. But take some advice from mum who knows – and don’t leave it too late.

Read the full article How to help your primary school daughter cope with starting their period.


Read our other blogs

5 Ways to cope with Menstrual Cramps

and The Language of Periods!

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